SOL 18: Sunday Morning Rituals
Posted on March 4th, 2018
I’m sipping on a tall mug of tea listening to “oldies” music while my sweet husband is cooking us Sunday breakfast. Does it get much better than this?
On the menu: center-cut bacon slices, pan-fried baby potatoes, eggs, and toasted, homemade bread slathered with raspberry fruit spread. Disclaimer: we do eat a mostly plant-based diet the rest of the week, but Sunday breakfast is our one holdout.
Unlike many folks, we are morning people. Six am will find us already up drinking hot beverages (his coffee/mine hot tea), reading the news. Being alone together on Sunday mornings is one of the blessings we are grateful for in our Empty Nest phase. Forty-four years in we still enjoy spending time together. We are blessed.
“Being alone together on Sunday mornings is one of the blessings we are grateful for…” When my best friend (who is a handful of years older than I am) decided she had met her future husband I asked her how she was sure. She told me it was feeling completely comfortable sitting in silence reading together. That sentiment has stayed with me. I was a teenager at the time and I thought finding ‘the right one’ would be all about the excitement of it. As your 44 years attests, reading together is pretty great.
I love your ritual. I start at 7:30 am by meeting a coworker for a 3 mile walk, grocery shop, then do yoga with my husband at 11. That gives me the afternoon to get ready for Monday. Way to capture a small but important moment of your week.
I love the scene you create. Sundays sound blissful. We are sharing the same stage—empty-nest; I hope this depiction reflects how generally wonderful it is for you both. We’re awaiting our next enterprises, and this morning the scent of baking brownies wafts through the kitchen, a different but similar-in-sweetness Sunday routine. Thanks for sharing!