Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.”

 Robert Frost


I came to one of those important forks in the road recently. A looming birthday has made me face the fact that I can either allow myself to fall into declining health and old age, or I can use a large dose of mental discipline and do the work to be strong and healthy. Thankfully, I have chosen to be strong and healthy!

July 31, 2013

Another year has flown by without me completing the post I started. Once again, I’m facing another birthday (a very major one this time), and my mantra has become “Age is a only a number. It’s how you act and feel that reveal your true age.” Anyone who is dreading birthdays should read Younger Next Year for Women. Reading it gave me the push I needed to get up out of my desk chair and start exercising.

I’m proud to say that I’ve kept with my exercise program and participated in three 5K runs since last year. My family has been fairly amazed that I’ve even persevered in 100+ degree weather without giving up. Becoming stronger, shedding some extra pounds, and actually having muscle definition in my arms and legs has been very motivating, too! Eric Fowler at Fitness 1031 is an awesome trainer. When we started working together, I did not even know what a squat or a plank was, and I never pictured myself lifting weights. Eric has been a kind, patient teacher who also knows how to motivate me to try new exercises and lift more weight than I thought possible. The secret for me has been to remember that I’m not simply trying “to get in shape.” I’m working to change my lifestyle, to be healthier and more active.